ROSE SWE Freeware Tools (RFWT)

DOS, Windows and Linux.....

In 2013, the absolute Windows market share has fallen from 90% to 20%. We now use primarily Linux professionally and privately. DOS and Windows is actually only used for virtual machines. Some of the programs are 30 years old and not portable to Windows or Linux. Also Microsoft had dropped support for DOS programs under Windows 64 bit edition. Most of the little helpers I have since ported to Linux. If you need a program on Linux, just ask us, we are looking forward to your feedback!

RFWT (DOS) 2022.02-Final

Therefore, maintenance of the RFWT (DOS) will be discontinued in 2018 and instead of them the RFWT "Next Generation" (RFWT-NG) might take over this position. This will be a collection of freeware tools that are available for Windows and/or Linux platforms. If there is still a need for the RFWT (DOS), they still will be maintained and released by us. The demand however and user feedback has not been requested in recent years.

Windows installer versus archives for multi platforms – The RFWT were released with a self extracting EXE installer for Windows based on the NSIS framework. Maintenance of the installer, testing, packaging and adapting updates of NSIS was time consuming. The new RFWT-NG will therefore be released as a simple archive packed by RAR or 7-Zip providing an easy multi platform experience.

RFWT – Next Generation

Currently (03.2022), not yet released. Feedback highly appreciated!

RFWT – The ROSE SWE Freeware Tools (DOS)

The ROSE SWE Freeware Tools (RFWT) is a collection of DOS, Windows and Linux programs that are totally free for using! Included in the distribution are executable files, documentation (text and PDF format) and sometimes even the source code! The RFWT are delivered as a Windows self installer using the current state of the art compression (NSIS3 Installer with high compression) to keep the archive small. The installer includes the option to choose between the different packages (see below) as well as it contains an uninstaller for easy removing of the package. The package is a mix of utilities written in German and English language (you can select at installation time to install e.g. the English utilities only).

The following tools and packages that we had released in the past as standalone distributions or even as shareware are included:

These tools are also included

Starting Dec. 2019 Yahoo Groups no longer hosts files, therefore old versions of the RFWT are no longer available.

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Document $Id: rfwt.htm,v 1.34 2024/05/10 06:46:21 ralph Exp $